Animal abuse....
We hear about it, we see it on the news, on the net and even in movies.
But what are we doing about it? Possibly nothing....we call ourselves humans and our thinking is supposedly unparalled compared to the rest of the animal kingdom. And yet, why are we able to act so unreasonably as to harm them? What harm have they done to us? Animals do what they need to survive, they may harm us only because we harm them or instill fear in them.
What these people are doing are inhumane. What reason have they got to act like this? Do they derive pleasure from seeing them suffer? For the progress of the human race, we use them to be subjects. But does that not make us inhuman?
Recently, in Hong Kong news, a group of 10 youngsters including a 13 year old girl have been arrested for the beating of a female cat to the death.
And this video clip shows US Marines throwing a puppy off the cliff.
Mean? What they did wasn't mean.
It was pure cruelty.
We have the ability to think in which animals do not. We are able to think abstractly and we invent.
And we kill each other. If killing each other, abusing and harming our own isn't bad enough, why do they have to bring in a third party, the animals? Why cant they leave them out of it and keep our stupid fight,vanity and sadistic acts among ourselves?
We skin the animals alive just to make ourselves look better.
I looked into animal abuse some more and found this blog which has several clips of the treatments animals receive today, including the drowning of a kitten to make It seems like harming them firsthand isn't enough anymore....we must record it.
We should all try and stop these acts. I know that people who do care are out there and as you're reading this, you're probably one too right? For I see no reason for an animal abuser to search for animal abuse....they know it themselves personally how the animals screech in terror, flee in fright and shiver in their dying moments.
Animal abuse is something that happens on a wide scale and we wont get immediate effects. Also, not every one of us can afford to open up an organization or center which helps these mal-treated beings.
But the least we can do is donate a few sums to those organization which already exists.
PATH- People Protecting Animals and Their Habitats
SPCA-Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
And here's a database of animal abuse.
Let's see how cruel can we humans get.
Please, speard the awareness of how animals are treated in today's modern society! Linking this blog, the sites listed and searching more on the web and spreading them out will surely help these animals, one way or another, if you know anyone involved in such cruel acts, do not hesitate to turn them in.
People like these do not deserve mercy.For if they are able to act violently against animals, chances are they will act the same way towards people.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008
What is Not Right In Malaysia #1
This is just gonna be a collection of what I experienced in Malaysia and found NOT right with it.
Malaysia does have its perks and its a beautiful country in some aspects.
I'll focus on the everyday life an happenings and its people. But of course, I do fully realize that what I point out here, do not apply to all citizens of this country.
I was in my parents car on the way to a wedding dinner last evening. It was approximately 6:45pm.
But alas, my mum took the wrong turn and we ended up at the parking lot of Wilayah Complex. After discovering we were at the wrong building, we proceeded to head out of the parking. At the booth, we had to pay RM5 !! Now, we were in there for less than 5 minutes!!
So yea, I was grumpy, five ringgit gone yadda yadda no problems because its our fault we took the wrong turn. But I snapped when I saw the board next to the booth. Entries under 15 minutes are FOC...
And that wasn't it. When we informed the booth keeper that we were only in there for 5 minutes, he said he couldn't refund us because he had already keyed it in. So my mum demanded the receipt from him for tax reasons.
And next, ladies and gentlemen, is What is Not Right In Malaysia #1.
The people, are not trustworthy and are not serious about their jobs, for lack of a better word and description.
The receipt he handed us, stated that we entered the building at 7:02 pm! Checking the clock, it was only 6:45pm.
How did we move 17 minutes into the future? Not only that, it also stated that our stay was up to 7:09pm. That was still beneath 15 minutes wasn't it?
It was quite aggravating. Having to pay RM5 wasn't what angered me, but the fact that the workers here do not take their work seriously and have absolutely no clue about what they are doing is what angers me!! The booth keeper should realize that under 15minutes was FOC! Even if he did not knew when it was that we entered, which he clearly did as he saw us entering, he should at least check first before charging.
So, next time if you guys ever visit a Malaysian parking lot, be sure to demand the booth keeper to double check the time.
Malaysia does have its perks and its a beautiful country in some aspects.
I'll focus on the everyday life an happenings and its people. But of course, I do fully realize that what I point out here, do not apply to all citizens of this country.
What is Not Right In Malaysia #1
I was in my parents car on the way to a wedding dinner last evening. It was approximately 6:45pm.
But alas, my mum took the wrong turn and we ended up at the parking lot of Wilayah Complex. After discovering we were at the wrong building, we proceeded to head out of the parking. At the booth, we had to pay RM5 !! Now, we were in there for less than 5 minutes!!
So yea, I was grumpy, five ringgit gone yadda yadda no problems because its our fault we took the wrong turn. But I snapped when I saw the board next to the booth. Entries under 15 minutes are FOC...
And that wasn't it. When we informed the booth keeper that we were only in there for 5 minutes, he said he couldn't refund us because he had already keyed it in. So my mum demanded the receipt from him for tax reasons.
And next, ladies and gentlemen, is What is Not Right In Malaysia #1.
The people, are not trustworthy and are not serious about their jobs, for lack of a better word and description.
The receipt he handed us, stated that we entered the building at 7:02 pm! Checking the clock, it was only 6:45pm.
How did we move 17 minutes into the future? Not only that, it also stated that our stay was up to 7:09pm. That was still beneath 15 minutes wasn't it?
It was quite aggravating. Having to pay RM5 wasn't what angered me, but the fact that the workers here do not take their work seriously and have absolutely no clue about what they are doing is what angers me!! The booth keeper should realize that under 15minutes was FOC! Even if he did not knew when it was that we entered, which he clearly did as he saw us entering, he should at least check first before charging.
So, next time if you guys ever visit a Malaysian parking lot, be sure to demand the booth keeper to double check the time.
After Event "Kong Ming"

"After-event Kong Ming, or After-event Zhuge Liang."
Zhuge Liang (181-234) was one of the greatest strategists who served Liu Bei during the Three Kingdoms war in China.
(The image taken from 3Kingdoms depicts a statue of Zhuge Liang)
Books has been written regarding that war such as Romance of the Three Kingdoms or San Guo
Yan Yi by Luo Guanzhong.
Zhuge Liang was known as the Sleeping Dragon as he isn't one who does anything rashly and rushed. He was one of the most accomplished during his time and is often depicted with a fan made of crane feathers, though some calls it goose feathers. Zhuge Liang was known as Kong Ming to close relations.
"After-event Kong Ming" is now a popular Chinese idiom.
It refers to someone who acts highly-knowledgeable and superior in an event that has already occurred. Ex- The tsunami had striked and Bobbie Boo went around telling people, "I knew this would happen of course. Which is why I told you before.....etc etc"
When in actual reality, he really knew little or nothing about the event before it happened.
As Zhuge Liang was a extremely intelligent person, he knew many things others did not and was often accurate with his predictions. Someone who was an "After-event Kong Ming" is basically someone who pretends to be highly intellectual on that event after it had already happened.
A faker of sorts =3
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